VMAtm made a perfect answer about Kaliningrad, here are my two cents about Curonian Spit.
First of all, for me the Russia part and Lithuanian part do differ a lot. On the Russian part you could find:
Ornitological station, where you could see how ornitologists catch birds during their season migrations and put rings on them (last years you need to book a tour to get into it, and season migrations are in spring and autumn, of course)
4-5 “eco-routes” that are very interesting to walk through. They are listed on the russian Wikipedia at but I hope you could translate it with Google Translate. See also: Dancing Forest.
I think, the Curonian split is the same from both sides, Lithuanian and Russian side. So, if you are interested in only Split – you should not bother about visit the Kaliningrad. But:
As I’ve already said here, my mother is from Kaliningrad, and I’ve been there near half of my life, especially during summer holidays. I love this town, and my opinion is what you should visit it near for week. And what’s why:
The symbol of the town is the Königsberg_Cathedral:
In 1982:
It is reconstructed now (and some work is still being made, but economic crisis brought some problems for this process), it’s works as catolic and orthodox church, and has two museums inside – the Kant’s museum and Cathedral history museum.
Also there is the Kant’s Tomb:
The fishers’s district – this a small place near the Cathedral where you can get funny photoes, try some sea food and so on:
Door to nothere
Romantic bench
Pirate with monkey
Modern sculpture
Money bird
the Amber museum. Very beatiful, amazing work inside.
Some reports with more photoes (in Russian):
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024