Credit cards being charged more than once in Japan

7/9/2016 11:09:57 AM

Qualifier: I live in Japan and have several Japanese credit cards.

The “ee-kai?” (one time) question you get asked at the register is how many payments you want to make. One, two, five and so on. There is also “bonus-kai” which will match your payment due date to the semi-annual bonuses paid by many large Japanese companies.

Credit cards in Japan are more like charge cards as the balance is due in full each month. Thus you have to decide the number of payments at the time of purchase. You can’t change it later.

Also oddly, a 2-time payment or bonus-time payment choice usually doesn’t charge interest. So you get an up-to-6 months interest-free loan out of it.

7/7/2016 1:01:18 PM

Japanese credit cards usually allow you to pay for purchases in two monthly installments, at no extra cost. If you want to do this, you must mention it at the time of purchase, which is why many shop clerks will ask (lest you forget). I do not know what happens if you try to do this while your (presumably foreign) card does not allow it.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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