Confidentially bringing medication from Canada to USA

11/16/2018 12:06:41 PM

First, there is no requirement to declare medication for personal use when entering the United States. At least the question does not appear on any paper or electronic media. This is impractical for many reasons, the biggest being…

Second, people travel with prescription medications all the time. That in itself is in no way unusual. Because this is so routine…

Third, the likelihood of CBP flagging you and discovering the medication is vanishingly small provided you have no other reason for them to suspect you of anything.

Take the prescription bottle with you with enough tablets for the trip, just hide it from Father. This is for the extremely unlikely chance you get searched. If you do, just request a private examination.

You can also mix some tablets with other supplements in one of those daily tablet organizers to avoid revealing the bottle if Father is present. I’ve crossed innumerable borders with such without a problem. This is not a concealment.

11/13/2018 12:15:38 PM

Is this a legally prescribed drug? (I am very familiar with Vyvanse.) If it is, make sure you transport the meds in the original container from the pharmacy showing your name, and the date of the prescription. Do not bring it in a baggie, hidden in your clothes, or anything like that. Customs officials have seen it all, and know every hiding place you can think of, and many that you can’t.

If it’s a prescribed medication, you have nothing to worry about. You should worry more about trying to deceive the customs officials than your father. They have no reason to be forgiving, but your father does.

Also, do not bring more capsules than you need for your trip. (Based on your question, this is unlikely, but it’s worth mentioning.)

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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