If you travel 100km North of Addis Ababa at Debrelibanos Monastery you will find Gelada Baboon. The confusion you have is asking the wrong person. there is tourist Information center in the city at Meskel Aquare and also at the Airport or Easily google on the Internet about The nearest wildlife area in Addis Ababa.
You will find the result such as
– Menagesha Suba Forest about 50km from Addis Ababa (reach in Indigneous trees and wildlifes)
– Awash National Park about 200km from Addis Ababa (reach in flora and Fauna)
– Gefersa Lake about 30 km from Addis Ababa (The best spot for aquatic birdwatching)
– and many more
For more information please look the link below you will get a lot of information about Tourist Attraction of Addis Ababa and its surrounding
Short Day Excurison from addis: www.addistour.com
Gelada’s you may find mostly in mountain terrain in the north of Ethiopia. You could be lucky even in Addis but I don’t know any good spot. Better chances you could have around the rifts near Aletu. If you go further and reach out until Debre Sina you can see many of them easily. They are in use to human visitors and will let you come close. Nights in Debre Sina are usually very cold so be prepared if you gone stay.
I’m not too much into birds but before chasing them I would recommend letting them come to you. Because they are very much into teff grains you should pay a visit to a close Teff mill and ask for a kilo or two. People will call you crazy but birds will admire you for this little gems. After feeding them for a view days or weeks you will be greatly rewarded.
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024