Caught speeding in New Zealand

3/26/2015 10:03:16 PM

There are a few issues here:

  1. New Zealand also uses a demerit point system for driving offences, though the scale is different than in the UK. If you receive 100 points in a two year period, your license will be suspended (disqualified) for three months. This only applies in New Zealand, though; notice of your fine and points won’t be sent to the UK.
  2. The points you receive for speeding depend on how far over the speed limit you were, and can be from 10 to 50 points. Again, that only applies in New Zealand, but if you return sometime in the next two years, those points will be there.
  3. Because of this, if you have fines or even parking tickets owing, you may be stopped at the airport when you attempt to leave the country, or if you aren’t stopped then, if you ever return. I would recommend you be sure to pay the fine before you leave, and carry proof of that payment when you depart the country.

You should also keep the record of the fine and the fact that you paid it, in case the rental car company tries to claim that you didn’t pay it.

This answer was sourced entirely from the New Zealand Police and New Zealand Transport Agency web sites.

3/27/2015 12:37:15 AM

DVLA won’t be informed and it wont affect your driving record.

However the offence will stick effectively forever, and according to

Some countries have a more stringent approach than others. I’ve heard a number of stories of New Zealand authorities employing debt collection agencies abroad to pursue fines for instance. I’ve also heard of some European countries ,especially in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe checking the licences of drivers in foreign registered cars crossing their borders for outstanding fines.

This could lead to a default listing in your home country which would affect your credit profile.

Additionally, if you were driving a rental, they may charge you the fine directly.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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