Can you take a coffee on a plane if you purchased it before security?

12/2/2017 12:12:16 PM

You won’t be able to bring a liquid you bought before security because of the 100ml liquid rule, as has been pointed out. However it’s usually fine to bring a coffee you bought on the secure air side on to the plane. If you are concerned about spills you could bring an empty travel mug or similar with you and transfer your drink.

I’ve never flown from Edinburgh specifically but I regularly fly trans-Atlantic and the only time I’ve encountered an airport that didn’t have a coffee shop air side (maybe not Starbucks specifically but some sort of purveyor of liquid caffeine) was when the terminal was being remodelled and all of the shops were closed.

12/1/2017 2:08:23 AM

A somewhat facetious answer, but the only way to get your 100+ mL or hot drink through security is if YOU are the container.

Drink up in the queue and bin the cup at the top of the line, and everyone is happy – although you’re more likely to need a “pitstop” somewhere before your destination.

11/30/2017 4:50:44 PM

As the other answers have pointed out:

  1. a frappuccino is a liquid;
  2. Liquids are only allowed through security in containers holding less than 100ml, and all of those containers must fit in a single small resealable bag.

So the obvious solution is to take a large number of small bottles and decant your frappuccino into portions smaller than 100ml (you’ll probably find a tiny funnel helpful).

Give it a go and let me know how you get on. 🙂

11/30/2017 10:53:08 AM

You can’t bring a coffee through security since, as the other answers say, it violates the rules for what liquids can go through security. However, you can buy a coffee after security and take it on the plane. It seems there’s no Starbucks after security at Edinburgh but there’s a Costa and a Caffe Nero (map).

Indeed, even before the current restrictions, you couldn’t bring coffees through security: I tried it once and had to bin it. They can’t put your coffee through the X-ray machine because of the risk of spills; visual inspection won’t detect any objects you might have hidden in it.

11/30/2017 12:22:15 AM

It’s even become a ‘newsworthy’ checked item, and not just for the liquid content.

Firstly, it’s liquid (even fraps), so while a tiny espresso or macchiato might be under the 100ml rule, most coffees will not be allowed through.

Secondly, even if bought after security, some Starbucks drinks are now being checked for explosives(!!).

11/29/2017 11:31:39 PM

A Frappuccino is considered a liquid. For carry-on luggage, the UK only allows a single small resealable bag of liquids holding containers 100ml or less. Your Frappuccino would not qualify.

You cannot bring it through airport security. If there is a Starbucks past the security checkpoint, you can buy one there and bring it on board.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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