Can you register for a "packstation" in Germany if you are traveling through Germany?

2/1/2013 5:16:36 PM

No, you can’t use PackStation as a transient traveler. To use it, you must be able to pre-register and then receive the registration materials via mail. So you must be in one place long enough to complete this process (a few weeks minimum).

I don’t remember whether you actually have to show proof of residency, but the above practical problem will prevent you from using PackStation if you are only “passing through”.

7/1/2012 1:19:42 AM

You should be able to use poste restante (general delivery, “Postlagernd” in German). Deutsche Post has a site where you can look up addresses for receiving post offices in whatever town you’re going to. I’m pretty sure you should be able to address your package to the post office, and write poste restante/general delivery/Postlagernd and have them hold it for you.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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