Can you do the annual required technical control in another EU country than your own when doing a road trip in Europe?

8/28/2012 9:39:53 AM

No, you can’t. But you can:

  • do it in your home country before you leave, as you’ll just ‘lose’ the few months between your departure and the expiry date, and it’s valid for maximum 2 years anyway,
  • or hope you won’t get controlled (beware!),
  • or perform the registration in one of the countries you’ll cross, change the plate numbers and get the car checked there (of course you’ll need to establish residency in this country to do this, but even in a few months travel you might have to do this if you stay for some time at a place anyway – more than 3 months in many cases).

There are no import restrictions on passenger cars anymore inside Europe. Probably the best, easiest and cheapest option would be to do the technical control a few months before its expiration date in your home country (if I understand it correctly it will expire during your trip), as you’re travelling ‘only’ for a few months and won’t get any advantage of registering in another country and then back to yours (and it will be a hassle and cost you more than you would save).

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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