As I just found out to my dismay at the airport, Australia-bound passengers are unable to buy, although there doesn’t seem to be any liquids/security re-screening at the gate. The duty free cashiers told me I would have to buy on arrival. I have just looked up the price and it seems to be 30% higher at Melbourne airport duty free. Feel like I’ve been scammed.
While I never tried to bring alcohol to Australia from Hong Kong personally, there are plenty of reports saying it’s not possible. I have never seen the required duty-free sealed packages in Hong Kong on the airport.
Both this report from 2012 and this one here from last year say that it’s impossible. Also this here from August this year confirms that.
I know that when going to Australia, they will check your carry-on manually 100% in the hallway between the boarding gate and the airplane.
Like so many things in Hong Kong, duty-free is targeted at mainland Chinese tourists who make up the bulk of spending tourists in the city. Since they do not require such services, it is unlikely that they will be implemented for Australians.‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024