Can uber drivers down rate a passenger because the passenger asked to turn the radio off?

12/21/2018 9:08:03 AM

Just like any hire cars, generally passengers have control over the AC and radio (within reasons, if you asked to turn off AC in summer heat/freezing winter or crash the radio at max volume, they’d rightly kick you out of their car).

In my experience, most drivers I’ve been with leave their radios off, or in the rare cases, they set it to a “safe” radio station (e.g. news, traffic report, safe musics) usually on very low volume, unless the passenger asked to turn it up. It is very reasonable to ask them to turn off the radio, and they’d generally comply. Many drivers would ask if you want to have specific type of music or station playing (and to leave it off is a perfectly reasonable answer to that). It would be very unusual if you get rated down because you asked to turn off the radio.

With that said, Uber doesn’t require specific policy about how drivers rate their passengers and vice versa, how passengers rate their drivers. Technically, they can rate you down because your turtle neck annoys them, for example. With that said, no reasonable drivers would do that, and no reasonable drivers would bother too much about the radio.

While it’s possible you might be matched to an unreasonable driver on their bad day, you shouldn’t need to worry about it, as the rating in a single ride wouldn’t affect your overall rating much. It’s very hard to get low passenger ratings, unless you’re consistently a very, very poor passenger (e.g. of you throw up and make a mess on all your rides, loudly cuss the entire ride, shouting hate speeches, being totally disrespectful, or try to steal).

You can rack up a bunch of four-five stars easily just by being a reasonable passenger.

12/21/2018 2:42:43 AM

Technically, it’s up to the uber driver to rate you however she/he sees fit. So it could be because you were super nice, or because you slammed the door, or made a mess, or because it’s Tuesday and he feels like being a jerk.

Same with the passenger rating the driver, it’s up to you to decide what they’re worth.

If you’re polite about it, saying you dislike music on when in a vehicle, most reasonable people would understand and hopefully acquiesce.

Yes, someone could be a jerk and rate you a 1 for no reason at all, and that’s unfortunate, but it’s your average rating that counts. As long as that sits well above a 4, you’ll be fine.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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