Can my 10 year ban be overridden by my new Canadian citizenship?

9/25/2022 2:54:44 PM

Your Canadian citizenship does not make you a new person and the rules apply based on your personal identity.

But the ban in this specific case only applies to visa applications.

The mandatory automatic refusal for 10 years due to previous deception only applies to applications for an entry clearance (visa), as provided by Paragraph 9.8.7. of the Immigration Rules:

(f) 10 years: Used deception in an application (for visits this applies to applications for entry clearance only).

Your Canadian citizenship means that you no longer have to seek entry clearance prior to seeking permission to enter the UK as a visitor. Thus, technically, the 10-year ban no longer applies if you simply seek entrance into the UK as a visitor.

However, immigration officials at the border nonetheless have the discretion to refuse your entry for previous deception (without time limitation) for any type of immigration applications:

9.8.3A. An application for entry clearance, permission to enter, or permission to stay may be refused where a person used deception in relation to a previous application (whether or not successfully).

There is still a significant risk of denial of entry regardless of your new citizenship. It is recommended to seek legal advice before you travel to the UK.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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