Can I use only buses in Paris instead of the Métro?

Can I use only buses in Paris instead of the Métro?

1/23/2017 12:42:07 PM

I have done it once, you will also be able to walk that long only if you have been used to walk. Otherwise looks reasonably dubious.

Good luck

1/23/2017 1:03:31 PM

Orlybus departs every 15 – 20 minutes during the day and takes around 30 minutes to arrive at Denfert-Rochereau. So say an hour to get to the terminus. From near there a bus (28) runs to École Militaire, so maybe a short walk and at the Tour Eiffel within 1½ hours.

Paris walk

About one hour on foot from there to the Place de la Concorde via Arc de Triomphe and Champs-Élysées. From there there is a bus (42) to Gare du Nord, say about ¾ hour (that is enough time to walk between the two, but you might have had enough time on foot by then).

In all round about 3¼ hours even allowing for some long wait between services. So plenty of margin for the vagaries of traffic.

1/22/2017 7:32:04 PM

Assuming you are already in central Paris, yes, you can navigate the city by bus only. To be clear, I recall riding only one bus in Paris years ago.

Like many metro focused cities, the Bus tends to be a longer transit time due to traffic, connections, etc.

You can find a bus map here: Paris Bus Service

4 hours to see a city by Bus is not very long and your biggest challenge might be getting from where the OrlyBus terminates to something worth seeing. Be ready to hire a Cab or Uber if you start to run short of time.

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