I have done it once, you will also be able to walk that long only if you have been used to walk. Otherwise looks reasonably dubious.
Good luck
Orlybus departs every 15 – 20 minutes during the day and takes around 30 minutes to arrive at Denfert-Rochereau. So say an hour to get to the terminus. From near there a bus (28) runs to École Militaire, so maybe a short walk and at the Tour Eiffel within 1½ hours.
About one hour on foot from there to the Place de la Concorde via Arc de Triomphe and Champs-Élysées. From there there is a bus (42) to Gare du Nord, say about ¾ hour (that is enough time to walk between the two, but you might have had enough time on foot by then).
In all round about 3¼ hours even allowing for some long wait between services. So plenty of margin for the vagaries of traffic.
Assuming you are already in central Paris, yes, you can navigate the city by bus only. To be clear, I recall riding only one bus in Paris years ago.
Like many metro focused cities, the Bus tends to be a longer transit time due to traffic, connections, etc.
You can find a bus map here: Paris Bus Service
4 hours to see a city by Bus is not very long and your biggest challenge might be getting from where the OrlyBus terminates to something worth seeing. Be ready to hire a Cab or Uber if you start to run short of time.
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024