Can I say to the CBP I am visiting my boyfriend in the USA?

1/14/2018 4:28:03 PM

You should plan on visiting families and friends, and when asked you should say you are planning on visiting families and friends.

You don’t lie, but you don’t have to volunteer things that would invite even more questions. You are planning on returning home, you should be confident that things will go according to plan.

1/13/2018 4:49:37 PM

Are your choices between truthfully saying you are visiting your boyfriend and lying? There is no harm in visiting a friend. Be able to prove you’ll return home. That means things like:

  • I have a job at home, I have been given X days off for this trip and then I will go back to it (a letter from an employer can help)
  • I am starting a program of study at home after this trip, here is the letter of acceptance and whatever other paperwork I have about where I will live etc
  • My parents/siblings/family are all at home and I live with them, look after them, etc, here is a list of everyone’s names and why I couldn’t possibly move away from them

Lying to the CBP is not a good strategy. It probably won’t work (they are trained to detect this sort of thing) and it will get you banned. Understand what they want to know, and have that information for them.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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