In France roller skates and other wheeled contraptions are considered as games, rather than means of transportation, and are therefore not subject to any specific regulation. Indeed from a legal standpoint the French Traffic Code states that skaters are considered pedestrians and must therefore abide by the same rules. These include:
In addition note that it is forbidden to skate on cycling lanes, since it is also forbidden for pedestrians to walk on them.
All in all you should use common sense to ensure that your safety and that of others around you. Wearing protection might not be mandatory but it’s nevertheless a smart thing to do. So is limiting your speed, and maybe even moving onto the road if the pavement is too crowded and it’s safe for you to do so.
More information can be found on this public utility website on the topic (in French), which I paraphrased above. Below are the relevant quotes from the site:
Peut-on rouler n’importe où avec des rollers, une trottinette ou un skateboard ?
Aucun texte spécifique national ne réglemente spécifiquement la circulation des engins à roulettes (rollers, trottinettes, skateboards, planches ou patins à roulettes). Cette activité n’est pas assimilée à un moyen de transport, mais à un jeu, y compris si les engins à roulettes sont mus par l’énergie électrique.
Obligations minimales
Les utilisateurs d’engins à roulette sont soumis, comme tout piéton, à une obligation générale de bon sens et de prudence.
Sauf autorisation temporaire d’occupation de la voie publique, ils sont aussi soumis, comme tout piéton, aux obligations particulières suivantes
- circuler sur les trottoirs,
- respecter les feux tricolores,
- emprunter les passages protégés.
Further reading can be found in this article (in French) from a roller skating blog detailing the current regulations and best practices for skaters in France.‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024