Or you could just not go on holiday with your parents?
Or get a dual citizenship by living in another country for a long enough period of time to get their passport too.
Source: I have 2 legal passports from different countries. And live on my own >.>, not relying on my parents to pay for holiday
Here’s an article explaining to frequent travelers how they can get a duplicate US passport.
The U.S. government allows independent travelers to obtain a duplicate (i.e., secondary) passport as long as you can demonstrate a need for it.
You need to fill out an application, including:
- Write a letter explaining your need for a second passport
You need to write a one-paragraph letter explaining why you need two passports. It helps if you can include an upcoming itinerary to sensitive countries, or at least a record of frequent international travel in the past.
Also, note that the second passport is only valid for two years. Unfortunately, you can’t get a second 10-year passport.
So write the letter, and maybe you will have a case.
I’m answering my own question since apparently it is a duplicate of a question I already answered.
If not, is it possible to obtain a second, real passport in a fully legal fashion? (This is my preference if possible.)
Yes. In the US you can obtain a second legal (i.e. not fake) passport. It will be limited in duration, and will have the same number as your original passport. Either passport could be used to leave/entry the US, however you need to keep the one you used to enter the country, as it contains the entry stamp.
PS. Here’s an official explanation of the procedure.
Is it possible to legally obtain a second, fake passport?
The legality of obtaining a fake passport depends upon where you obtain it. I have seen market stalls in Cairo ready to sell any document you want legality notwithstanding. Not a market stall, but there’s ‘paper shops’ in Belarus doing the same thing. For you it’s a transaction like a souvenir, for the people who make them it’s a different story. However, to have one in your possession in the EU (including the UK) is illegal, even if you didn’t use it.
If not, is it possible to obtain a second, real passport in a fully
legal fashion? (This is my preference if possible.)
This is common with people who need lots of visas so they flip-flop them to travel on one passport when the other is tied up in an application pipeline. You simply need a premise.
With respect to your strategy, consider this scenario…
You are at your relatives and give your parents a fake passport. You miss the bus or get waylaid in a brothel somewhere and do not show up at bed time. So your parents contact the police and innocently show them your fake passport. Won’t this be a jolly hoot. So your strategy is blind to some of the things that can happen.
The ‘best practices’ prescription for your situation is to establish an independent lifestyle so that these impractical strategies are not needed.
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
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4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024