You can buy all the SIM cards you want, but can’t activate them. You have to be registered in the German residence bureau’s data base. No residency, no activation.
I went to Greece to get a SIM card.
Yes, but it depends what do you mean for getting a SIM card…
if you are in Germany as a resident or tourist you can go to electronic stores like Saturn and find SIM card for like 5€, many Phone operators will even send you one for free per mail-post (e.g. O2), then after that you need to top on a little amount of money and there you are!
what the new law means is that you can not buy that anonymously anymore (for security reasons)
I quote the news:
Am Samstag, dem 1. Juli 2017, tritt die Registrierungspflicht für
Prepaid-SIM-Karten in Deutschland in Kraft. Der Kauf einer
Prepaid-SIM-Karte mit einem Pseudonym ist dann nicht mehr möglich.
Kunden, die sich am morgigen Samstag eine neue Prepaid-SIM-Karte im
Supermarkt oder Mobilfunk-Geschäft kaufen, müssen ihren Namen, ihre
Adresse und ihr Geburtsdatum nachweisen.
the translation main idea is:
since sat. Jul 1st 2017 you can buy a SIM card, but you have to give
your Name, Address and Birthday
so you still can show your id as tourist 🙂 …
Edit: if you still are interested in the law regulation see the Paragraf 111 des Telekommunikationsgesetzes (TKG)‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024