Someone tried this when I was on the Nightjet. By the time he boarded his bed had been taken by a new customer.
Do not recommend this approach.
I don’t have that much experience with Nightjet, but I’ve traveled countless times between Amsterdam and Zürich with CityNightLine in the past. I often genuinely did not know in advance where I’d hop onto the nighttrain, and mostly bought tickets from Amsterdam to Zürich, only to hop on in either Utrecht or Arnhem. And I often got off at some earlier train station too. The train conductor did not always like it and they indeed told me that my reservation could be nullified. But it was never actually a problem. (One time, I’ve even showed up one day late for a ride, and they happily took me on board.)
Nowadays, the Nightjets seem to be fully booked quite often. So to be absolutely positively 100% sure to have a valid reservation, you’d need to rebook indeed. But if I were you, I’d take the risk of spending the night in a chair instead of a bed, and use your current ticket and get on in Salzburg, as I imagine it costs a lot to rebook.
According to the Nightjet website, you need to be in your seat within 15 minutes of the train’s departure, otherwise your reservation is void. The English version of that page has a translation error and says you need to be in your seat 15 minutes before departure, but the German and Dutch pages both say 15 minutes after departure, which makes more sense.
Salzburg isn’t within 15 minutes of Vienna, so you should rebook.
- Im Zug
Bitte nehmen Sie Ihren Platz bis 15 Minuten nach der Abfahrt ein. Ansonsten verfällt die Reservierung.
Translation from Google Translate:
- In the train
Please take your seat no later than 15 minutes after departure. Otherwise the reservation expires.‘
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024