Can I drive a rental in Russia (without high risk)

Can I drive a rental in Russia (without high risk)

4/7/2016 10:26:45 PM

I’ve provided some answers in your other question, so here I’ll try to explain the road-specific risks.

If you’re going to use a rental car in Russia, you probably need this sign to be put on the car:

a road sign with a black exclamation mark on yellow background.

This is a warning sign for telling other drivers that there is a novice driver in the car.

I suggest you use this sign because the Russian driving style is quite unusual. Drivers from Rome I know about came here and said that they never seen such crazy drivers. Right now the situation has changed, but you still can meet very strange driver behavior on the roads.

As for the English, I suggest you find a Russian speaker as a partner for your trips for police interaction, as they, probably, wouldn’t understand you (outside of St. Petersburg; inside the city, I think, you’ll be understood by them).

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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