You can call in advance and ask your booking be changed (for a fee and potential fare difference) or you can ask at check-in that your booking be changed (again for fee and fare difference). Be right up front about it, with your reasons why you need to change, airline employees are not heartless beings. Don’t try and change once you are airborne or upon arrival at Frankfurt.
But keep in mind this change will effect any other flights on the ticket (if you are just starting a round trip, not an issue if you are homeward bound).
Once in Frankfurt you should inform the airline that you are not going to take your connection and they must get your bags off the plane for security reasons.
When you initially check your luggage, you can always request that it gets short-checked to Frankfurt only. That should be no problem.
Note though – as others stated – by walking out in Frankfurt, you are losing all remaining segments on the complete round-trip ticket. Losing as in ‘non-refundable, non-re-whatever, gone-gone‘.‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024