Can I ask for the Immigration and Customs declaration forms as soon as possible on a flight to Japan?

7/25/2018 6:42:32 PM

I have woken up to find a landing card in my seat pocket or on my lap more times than I can count (eyeshades really contribute to people leaving you alone.) I fill it out while we land or while waiting in line at immigration. I’ve filled out a LOT of them from a LOT of countries and have never needed more than 5 minutes. If you’re worried, find a copy of the form online so you know what information you will need.


  • don’t ask the crew anything special wrt landing cards
  • use an eyeshade to minimize the chances crew will shake you awake to give you the card.
  • prepare in advance (eg get your local address if you need one, etc)
  • have your own pen easily accessible in case the seat belt sign prevents you accessing your carry on
  • be prepared to do the form as the plane taxis to the gate or the passengers in rows ahead of you are disembarking, or even while standing in the immigration line. There will be time.

If you spot a supply of the cards as you enter immigration, and you plan to travel to Tokyo regularly, take a spare. I used to full out the US cards at home and then when the crew gave me one, just put it in my bag for the next trip.

7/25/2018 6:18:07 PM

As BritishSam commented, you can probably ask for the paperwork early, but as others pointed out the staff might not remember that 10 hours later.

With a long overnight flight arriving in the morning, they will almost certainly dim the cabin lights so everyone can get some sleep. Around an hour or two before arrival they will generally wake everyone up for breakfast and bring up the cabin lights – the cabin will generally get a lot noisier. This is part of the “wake everyone up” process and there’s probably not much you can do to avoid it, except doggedly try to stay asleep.

An alternative approach that I have found is to make yourself really tired before going to the airport – party late or just stay up all night. That’ll make it easy to fall asleep quickly once on board. If you have a window seat and make it clear you want to sleep (reclined seat/eyeshade/blanket/neck pillow/etc), the cabin crew generally don’t wake you until they really need to. With a bit of luck you could get a good 7 or 8 hrs sleep on an 11 hr flight. And I find this reduces jetlag.

7/25/2018 5:41:54 PM

Usually, airlines have a set schedule for various tasks, and immigration forms are handed out at a set time, on a schedule.

I sometimes ask for the form early, and depending on the mood, the FA will bring it, or tell me “later”. Just try your luck.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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