Bonneville Salt Flats – access?

5/29/2016 5:44:03 AM

I visited the flats today, and apparently, other than the wet, public, watered area a couple inches deep, most of the dry flats I found were privately owned. I don’t know if this is true for all of the flats, but you would have to do some research on public and private salt flat areas. Hope this provides some background info for you. If it doesn’t hope you find what you’re looking for.

9/11/2012 7:24:26 AM

Bonneville Salt Flats FAQs

When is it open to the public? The Bonneville Salt Flats are free and open to the
public most of the year. During landspeed racing events and/or filming projects, special
security restrictions may be required to maintain public safety. See below for details.
If you go out onto the salt flats on your own, let someone know where you are and when
you plan to return. Getting stuck out alone on the flats is dangerous and has resulted in
past fatalities. If you do decide to travel off the access road, please review and adhere to
the attached BSF Travel Advisory.


What facilities are available? Toilets, food, beverages, and souvenirs are available at most
recreation events. At all other times of the year, there are no
facilities available at Bonneville. Once you go from the access road
onto the salt flats, there are no surface improvements or signs. You
are on your own. Food, fuel, lodging, and other services are available
at the freeway exit truck stop or in the nearby town of Wendover.


How do I get there? The Bonneville Salt Flats are located just off of
Exit 4 on Interstate 80 in Utah, just before reaching the Nevada state
line. They are approximately 100 miles and 1.5 hours driving time due
west of Salt Lake City. After exiting the freeway, turn right and
drive north past the truck stop. Stay on the paved road as it curves
to the right away from the mountains and heads east out across the mud
flats. In just over 4 miles, you will come to a cul-de-sac at the end
of the pavement where a BLM sign is located. You may park here or
continue onto the Salt Flats.

About me

Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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