We managed to gather short list of badges/patches from around the world in this Outdoors SE question: Badges for tourists achievements/quests.
Quoting the part about Austria and Germany:
This concept is known in German as “Wandernadel” and implemented by a
lot of local tourist assiciations, usually in the form of a “book” you
can stamp at designated stamp stations on interesting locations.
Examples are Vienna, Schladming, Gastein, but there
are many more if you google the term.(The same seems to be true in parts of Germany, there’s at least a
Harzer Wandernadel.)
There are similar organizations to Polish Tourism and Sightseeing Society (PTTK).
I don’t know about badges in Germany and Austria, but according to some forums, Czech and Slovak organizations do award similar badges, but those are more requiring. You’d need to hike a lot of kilometers in short time.
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024