In actuality given where you are going there are public transit options available but again depends on the time of the day.
You can take a train from Newark Airport to New Brunswick and then take 815/818 bus to get to the Hilton East Brunswick, so in this case the amount of time you spend in border control and customs won’t really matter.
Immigration and Customs is not easy to judge in the US. It all depends on flight arrival time, number of immigration staff on desks, any delays experienced to all incoming flights, if you get of the plane first or last, number of people to process, types of visas etc etc. In my experience I have waited between 30 minutes in line and 3 hours in line.
If I were in your situation then I would either be conservative with the shuttle booking and go for 2 -3 hours plus, or use the train from Newark to Penn and make my own way to the hotel.‘
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024