Are there any places on earth completely barren with nothing on the horizon in any direction?

Are there any places on earth completely barren with nothing on the horizon in any direction?

7/26/2017 3:05:44 PM

A lot of Saskatchewan is like that (photo from here). You can see just how flat it is from the topo maps. In some places it’s yellow rapeseed (canola) to the horizons.

enter image description here

7/27/2017 5:51:51 AM

In Botswana the Makgadikgadi Pan qualifies, which is one of the largest salt flats in the world.

enter image description here

image source

Lying southeast of the Okavango Delta and surrounded by the Kalahari
Desert, Makgadikgadi is technically not a single pan but many pans
with sandy desert in between, the largest being the Sua (Sowa), Nwetwe
and Nxai Pans. The largest individual pan is about 1,900 sq mi
(4,921.0 km2). In comparison, Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia is a single
salt flat of 4,100 sq mi (10,619.0 km2), rarely has much water, and is
generally claimed to be the world’s largest salt pan. A dry salty clay
crust most of the year, the pans are seasonally covered with water and
grass, and are then a refuge for birds and animals in this very arid
part of the world. The climate is hot and dry but with regular annual

7/26/2017 4:54:03 AM

7/26/2017 3:09:36 AM

The Nullarbor in Australia might qualify:

enter image description here

(courtesy Nullarbor Roadhouse)

It’s a huge, completely flat and virtually uninhabited plain. As the fake Latin name implies, there are “no trees”, and there’s nothing on the horizon either since there are no mountains nearby. There are, however, some scrubby bushes and grasses, so it’s not entirely barren.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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