Are there any common, lesser-known services offered by airlines to passengers onboard?

9/28/2012 11:31:07 AM

People who wish they could get more liquid may be surprised to find how successful it is to say “A can of Coke please” instead of “Coke please” when they come around with the cart. On every airline that doesn’t charge for soft drinks, this has worked for me. It’s better than my old strategy of asking for a type of pop I thought would be unpopular like Tonic Water (which I love) and hoping the flight attendant would offer me the whole can.

Also some airplanes have drinking water taps so you can fill your own water bottle, and even if they don’t, often you can ask for it to be filled when the cart comes around and they will (with water, anyway.) I have also asked while we were still loading passengers to have my water bottle filled and it has worked. On trips where I didn’t bring a bottle but was very thirsty, I have also asked for “two glasses of water please” and again I have never been denied.

9/27/2012 10:16:00 AM

Singapore Airlines A340-500’s have an on-board morgue of sorts; a special compartment for people who die in flight. Apparently, the A340-500’s cover the longest commercial air route in the world, “a nonstop 18-hour flight from Newark to Singapore”, so they need to deal with things like that semi-regularly.

Is that the kind of ‘unadvertised service’ you were thinking of? 😛

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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