Are there any caverns in the Peak District suitable for young children?

5/28/2015 8:40:58 AM

There are four tourist visitable “caverns” (a large amount of the underground space in them was actually created by mining) around Castleton, in the dark peak.

  • Treak Cliff Cavern
  • Blue John Cavern
  • Peak Cavern
  • Speedwell Cavern

Of those, I would specifically avoid Speedwell – the tour is on a boat, and there will be no way out. I was in Treak Cliff cavern last week, and while the tour is guided (as it is in all of the Castleton mines), the whole route was only a few hundred metres, and the exit fairly clear (we were directed to find our own way out when we wanted at the end of the tour) – I’d imagine with a quick word to the guide, you’d be able to leave alone. The others it’s been years since I visited, but I’d imagine a quick email to the operators would sort things out.

A bonus for Castelton is that it is a very touristy village. If you have to leave the caverns, you can go: Walk up Mam Tor/The broken road/Cave Dale; shop for unique Blue John jewlery and trinkets; eat/drink at the many pubs/cafés; visit the local castle ruins; escape to Hope or Edale and explore some peak district wild lands.

The visit peak district website provides information on these and other caves. I won’t comment further having no personal expereince of any however.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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