Are N95 and/or KN95 masks considered legally equivalent to FFP2 in Belgium and Italy?

5/12/2022 9:19:04 PM

Anecdotal: I’ve travelled a lot to Europe during Covid including Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Czech Republic, UK, etc. I’ve only used KN 95 masks since be bought a huge box early in the Pandemic and FFP2 were hard to get in the US.

I’ve never had a single problem or even just a question with that.

5/11/2022 8:14:50 AM

KN95 is a Chinese standard that is a very little bit looser than the EU standard FFP2.

5/10/2022 11:02:04 PM

Although the FFP2, N95 and KN95 standards are very similar, it is worth to notice that they are not equivalent.

As far as I understand the Italian legislation, it does require you to wear an FFP2 approved mask. The N95 and KN95 standards are not mentioned in the legislation, so strictly speaking, such masks will not fulfill the legal requirements. In reality, I doubt that anyone will actually verify which classification your mask has, as long as it looks like an FFP2 mask (and N95/KN95-masks do so). FFP2 masks are readily available in many shops, so if you do not want to stretch the rules more than necessary, I would at least advice you to buy FFP2 masks after getting there.

In Belgium, using an FFP2 mask is currently only recommended and not required, so using a N95/KN95 mask there will not be a problem.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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