While France is not the USA, the liquid rules are practically the same in the US and the EU especially because they usually employ the same RapidScan liquid explosive detectors. With that said, the TSA officially allows liquid filled chocolates in https://twitter.com/tsa/status/566001348823744512?lang=en
Regular and cream/liquid filled chocolates are good to go in carry-on bags!
Theoretically Travellers answer is right. If you have liquids in your carry on luggage, you have to fit them into the 1 liter plastic bag and each container has to have the amount of liquid declared on the packaging, which have to be less or equal to 100 ml.
I have however flown several times from Zürich in Switzerland to Paris in France while carrying Kirschstängeli (Link to a shop that sells them) which are chocolates containing an fluid alcoholic filling. Nobody has ever taken them out of my bag or taken them away. I think the amount of fluid might be too little for them to notice / care.
It would depend on the total amount of liquid in the chocolates and whether the passenger could fit them into the standard clear plastic bag required when passing through security.
https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/chocolate-liquid And https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/chocolate-solid
5 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024