Are all parts of the 'Jesus trail' in Israel open and safe to hike solo?

6/7/2017 1:16:40 AM

The short answer is YES.

When I first told my father that ‘harlem’ is actually in Manhattan – he thought I was joking. He always perceived Harlem as a very violent place. When I took him to Harlem (it took me a while to convince him) he couldn’t believe that this area is actually…normal.

I think the biggest confusion most people have about Israel is that they mixed the image of Gaza (not part of Israel) with Israel and then they translate it to fear.

Can you please return to this question after your vacation to answer it? I can tell you, from my experience, that my visits to Israel are always a first-class trip.

Enjoy (I envy you)

1/17/2015 7:57:55 PM

The Galilee region of Israel is considered quite safe, and is not near any of the hot spots you are concerned about. You’re more likely to be bitten by a scorpion.

The Jesus Trail FAQ goes into some more detail, and says in part:

The Galilee region is quite stable. There is always some risk associated with hiking and camping alone in any part of the world, but the risk in the Galilee region is very minimal. . . .

While the media often portrays Israel and Palestine as perpetual hotspots of violence, the tourist areas of the region are generally very safe with a high level of security. Tourists have not ordinarily been targets of violence in the region, and politically motivated violence in Israel has been low for the past two years.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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