Why not apply for a ten year multi-entry visa before you go. Sure it costs more money, but you avoid the headaches you are facing right now. And can return to China in the future without applying for new visas.
You can apply for it in the US as long as you can document that you are living here with the proper visas and meet all other requirements. Or send it by courier to a China visa service in Canada and have them do it in your homeland.
Courier your passport to a friend or agent at home and have them apply for you. This is best. If you have no idea who to work with I would Google the words chinese visa courier toronto and then look for reviews for whatever companies I find.
Try every Chinese Consulate you come close to, who knows, one might grant you a visa.
Edit: Before leaving get a certified true copy of Canadian travel document so you have something at least when you are without your passport. While returning to Canada with just that might be difficult at least it’s not impossible.
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024