Annapurna Tilicho Lake without camping?

12/24/2011 5:40:27 PM

Just came back from my trekking vacation in Nepal.

It’s possible (and simple) to get to the lake without camping, using local guesthouses. It requires no special means like helicopters, and it even helps with acclimatization before the Thorung La Pass.

9/29/2011 10:49:39 AM

Answering from search results since this question has gone unanswered for so long. It seems that most organised tours are 18-20 day trekking tours, and yes, there are options to stay in guest houses as this itinerary seems to suggest. You could also see it without trekking on helicopter tours of the region (such as this one, same details show up on multiple sites in searches and even have the same phone number listed so I’m guessing it’s just one operator on the ground); might be prohibitively expensive compared to a trek though.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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