Am I likely to see a snake on a desert safari or in a souk in Dubai?

11/10/2018 1:37:15 PM

I’m planning to visit the souks and take a desert safari including dinner at a campsite during my 5 day holiday in Dubai

  1. Chances of such an encounter in a Souk are negligible, Those are crowded places and snakes don’t roam around there even if Dubai is a desert.
  2. This is possible, chances are that you may see one on a desert safari. Desert safaris are really in real deserts and those are the sort of places where it is easy to find a snake.

However, I have had countless number of trips to Dubai and specifically on desert safaris and I have never encountered a wild snake roaming around there, but on some campsites i have seen performers have them for some shows.

TL;DR: It is quite possible that you may see a snake at least while in the desert, away from built up areas of the city.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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