The rules around the travel ban do not care about previous visa, but at the need to travel and your connections in the US.
The ban was put in place because of serious difficulty for US authorities to work with authorities in countries like Syria to establish the truth behind claims made by visa applicants; many of the affected countries refuse to cooperate altogether and for others there was serious doubt about the accuracy of information provided to the US State Department by those countries.
That said, as a previous visa holder you might well find it easier to get an exemption. Best thing to do is approach a US consulate and just ask what your options are. If your previous visits generated a viable need to travel and people in the US who can vouch for you, that makes it a lot easier to get such an exemption (in fact those are just about the only reasons the law gives for granting one).‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024