After a refusal (V4.2(a)(c)) proving I have sufficient funds when applying for a UK Standard visit visa

8/3/2018 4:39:48 PM

As per what I’ve read should only apply again if your current circumstances change drastically otherwise whatever documents and country ties you show wouldn’t mean much to the visa officer.
A drastic change could be

getting married
becoming the owner of a property that you haven’t already told them about
starting a business and maintaining a good statement

See for the amount that you have mentioned as monthly income the visa officer is bound to think that you might visit UK to find a job and assuming that you are not married and don’t have enough savings or any property in your name, creates further doubt that you might not return.

Don’t apply for at least 6 months.

10/30/2015 10:57:33 PM

This question was taken up on chat and I will provide a summary of what transpired…

  • The OP should complain about the poor quality of the refusal notice.
    That’s a high priority.
  • Based upon some additional background info the OP provided, it became
    evident that the REAL reason for her refusal was she failed to
    establish a credible premise for her visit. She also didn’t
    establish why a single woman of marriageable age wants to visit the
    UK. Doing that is important in South Asia. I understand this point may be contentious with some, but personal circumstances make up an important part of the decision.
  • The refusal notice focuses entirely on technical points none of which
    map in to her personal circumstances. Possibly a paragraph or two got accidentally deleted by the assistant? She needs to get a proper
    refusal notice and that should be part of her complaint.
  • For the OP’s premise to work, she needs to explain the
    disproportionate expense she is taking on. Personal enrichment? Peer
    status? Romance? Literacy? Shopping? What does she expect to gain by spending so much for a 7 day
  • The OP needs to explain the irregular cash flows in her bank
  • The OP needs to explain why her father is sponsoring her.
  • The OP needs to read all of the questions/answers in this link.

The OP will apply again in about a month, and while preparing her application will come here with highly focused and very clear questions. The complete chat transcript is here.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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