It seems that your most likely problem is going to be applying for entry just two weeks after having spent 87 days in the US on the visa waiver program. Since you will be asking for a four-day admission, and will have a ticket to support your assertion that you plan to leave after four days, this is unlikely to be a huge problem. You’ll probably be fine.
If probably isn’t enough certainty for you, you can (as noted elsewhere) apply for a visitor visa (usually a combined B-1/B-2 visa). When you enter the US in B-1 or B-2 status, you will generally be admitted for six months. This will save you from having to leave the US between your December trip and the March event. The visa fee is USD 160.
There are a couple of possible solutions.
You could use the Mexico idea, but substituting somewhere more distant for Mexico.
The other option is to apply for a visitor visa. It costs money, and requires an interview, but normally results in admission for six months. You would need to check interview availability to see if you have time before your travel.
For both these ideas, evidence of strong long term ties to your home country and a reasonable a short term travel plan in the US is likely to be helpful.
Going to Mexico won’t reset your VWP counter, you’d have to go a little farther than that for this to happen. However, given your entries are more than 90 days apart (97) there’s no need to reset it.
If you are admitted to the United States under the VWP, you may take a
short trip to Canada, Mexico, or a nearby island and generally be
readmitted to the United States under the VWP for the remainder of the
original 90 days granted upon your initial arrival in the United
States. Therefore, the length of time of your total stay, including
the short trip, must be 90 days or less
That said, as others have pointed out, admission under VWP is always at the discretion of the border official. While technically there’s nothing stopping you from trying to re-enter shortly after your 90 days, expect some questions about that. Having proof of returning to Australia and some strong ties will definitely help your case.‘
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024