'One laptop per child'- like organisations?

4/25/2012 12:10:45 PM

Before they were gobbled up by IESC, I did two enjoyable stints with Geekcorps:


Their geographic reach is now limited, but if your technical area meets their needs and their geographic location meets your interest, perhaps you might be able to work something out.

11/24/2011 3:56:08 PM

I have done some charity work with Camara, which has similar goals. Send 2nd hand computers to schools in Africa.

11/23/2011 4:08:27 AM

I knew someone who worked for Geeks without Borders, which from my understanding does indeed help small businesses in the developing world set up IT and the like, so there may indeed be room there for a business apps programmer.

11/23/2011 1:55:11 AM

A lot of roles like this come up on EscapeTheCity. I’ve removed ‘Graduate’ roles from the filter, but it should show both professional and volunteer roles for you. Have seen some really useful and interesting ones there in the past, just not the ones I want…yet… 😉

To get an idea of what they do (and to see three of the awesome roles they’ve had):


(It may sound like I’m affiliated; I’m not, I’m just really enthused by their model and wish there were more like them)


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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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