For refusals, the ECOs are required to provide a refusal letter stating why they believe you are not eligible for a visa. Since the ban has now expired, you cannot be refused under paragraph v3.6. However, your credibility has been dented and your application and your purported intentions will be more closely scrutinized.
You now need to prove, on a balance of probabilities, that you are eligible under the visitor rules published here:
You should explain the circumstances that led to the submission of false documents—short of an apology. If you can show on a balance of probabilities that you were not aware of the false documents, there would not have been a ban in the first place. If you can’t, tell them it was an error of judgment on your part and explain how your circumstances have changed for the better and why they should believe you now.
It would be a good idea to hire a UK-based solicitor. Good luck.‘