Before I answer your question, please read this advise as I did cycle through Patagonia and I can tell you this:
However, the effort is well worth what you will experience! It is a beautiful country, extremely beautiful, people are extremely nice and helpful.
And here is the catch: if you plan on doing 100km/day, then either you are superman (and there are a few, but I’m not!) or you’ll get disillusioned! But even if you’re superman (who knows), what a pity to manage to fight so hard against bad road, bad weather, broken bike parts, a combination of all those, etc. and not having the time to enjoy the landscape because you need to rush on and continue!
One last piece of advice (if again you’re not superman), take a rest day from time to time (e.g. once a week) you will need it for various reasons:
When I left for Patagonia, I took a guide book with me (e.g. Lonelyplanet, Footprint, etc.) in case I need to find accommodation. But you don’t need to really.
First of all and most of the time you will be camping among sheep or lamas. And second and last of all, when you get to a “city” it is small enough to get through most camping/guest houses/hotels in a short time to find where you want to sleep. There aren’t that much choices and usually they are well indicated/signed.
And when all of the above does not work, open the guide book and you will find an answer. It does not require battery nor to have a network reachable 🙂
But as I said before, accommodation should not be a question, you should worry about. More importantly is: take great care of your bike, and of the replacement parts you’re going to take with you, of the tooling to maintain and repair your bike, on good clothes and camping gears, be ready to carry food for 7 days and water for 2-3 days (worse cases). Be ready to do wild camping for 7 days in a row.
Do it! Cycling Patagonia is extremely rewarding!
But don’t take it light! Accommodation is a no problem, having a shower neither. Getting food and water is, you need to plan each time you have an opportunity to refuel.
Superman can probably cycle from Bariloche to Ushuaia in 3 weeks and will be able to enjoy, visit, take on the views. We mere mortals could potentially do it also in 3 weeks, but then what for? Do a shorter trip, or take longer vacation. If you are a good sport person, then you will probably be able to easily do 60-70km/day in Patagonia, but even if you are that sportive, take a rest day every 7 days (or less). Your body will thank you for it.
Check out the map option on To start with, zoom in to Bariloche, you’ll see that there are more options in the nearby towns, such as El Bolson, Lago Puelo and Esquel. Now zoom in even further, the towns will disappear from the map while you’re scrolling downwards, but if the map is zoomed enough, you’ll see individual hotels/hostels every once in a while, which were not visible from the initial map view. The best way to find out the places with accommodation options is to follow highways in each direction with highly zoomed map view. You’ll see that, although not very frequent, most places with hotels are less than 100 km apart from each other, meaning that you can plan your journey according to them when there is no better alternative.‘
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024
4 Mar, 2024
5 Mar, 2024