Zundert, NL : Interesting Facts, Famous Things & History Information | What Is Zundert Known For?

Zundert, NL : Interesting Facts, Famous Things & History Information | What Is Zundert Known For?

History and Information About Zundert, Netherlands City

Zundert is a charming city located in the southern part of the Netherlands. It holds a rich history and is known for its picturesque landscapes, beautiful architecture, and friendly community. Let's take a closer look at the fascinating history and noteworthy aspects of this remarkable city.

The Early Days

Zundert traces its roots back to the early medieval times. It was first mentioned in historical records around the 12th century. In those days, the city was primarily an agricultural village surrounded by fertile lands. The inhabitants mainly engaged in farming, growing crops, and raising livestock.

Growth and Development

Over the centuries, Zundert gradually expanded and developed into a thriving community. Its strategic location, close to major trade routes, allowed the city to flourish economically. Trade and commerce began to thrive, leading to the establishment of markets and the growth of local businesses.

Artistic Influence

Zundert is famously associated with the renowned Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh. Born in 1853 in the village of Groot-Zundert, Vincent spent the early years of his life in Zundert. The influence of this beautiful city, its landscapes, and its people can be seen in many of his paintings. Today, the Vincent van Gogh House stands as a tribute to the artist and his connection to Zundert.

Bloemencorso - The Grand Flower Parade

One of the highlights of Zundert is its annual Bloemencorso, which is the largest flower parade in the world. This spectacular event takes place on the first Sunday of September and attracts thousands of visitors from around the globe. Gigantic floats adorned with vibrant flowers parade through the streets, showcasing the incredible craftsmanship and artistic talent of the locals.

Nature and Surroundings

Zundert is blessed with breathtaking natural beauty. The city is bordered by vast forests, meandering rivers, and picturesque countryside. It provides ample opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking, cycling, and exploring the serene landscapes. The stunning nature reserves and parks in and around Zundert offer a peaceful retreat from the bustling city life.

A Close-Knit Community

Zundert boasts a warm and welcoming community. The locals take pride in their city and are known for their hospitality. Traditional events, such as the annual Zundertse Kermis fair, bring the community together, providing a glimpse into their vibrant culture. The city's friendly atmosphere and strong community spirit make it an ideal place to live and visit.


Zundert is a city that effortlessly combines history, art, and natural beauty. From its humble beginnings as an agricultural village, it has blossomed into a vibrant and appealing place offering a host of attractions. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, an art lover, or someone seeking a close-knit community, Zundert has something to offer for everyone. Plan a visit to this remarkable Dutch city and immerse yourself in its captivating charm!

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Interesting Facts About Zundert City

Zundert is a small city located in the Netherlands, known for its rich history and beautiful surroundings. Here are some interesting lesser-known facts about Zundert:

  • Van Gogh's birthplace: Zundert is the birthplace of the renowned Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh. The city takes great pride in its association with this world-famous artist.
  • Flower parades: Zundert hosts an annual flower parade, which is a spectacular event. It features enormous floats entirely made out of flowers. The parade attracts thousands of visitors worldwide.
  • Beer brewing tradition: The city has a long-standing tradition of beer brewing. Zundert is home to various local breweries, where you can taste authentic Dutch beer.
  • Nature and outdoor activities: Zundert is surrounded by beautiful countryside and nature reserves. It offers numerous opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and exploring the scenic landscapes.
  • Birthplace of many artists: Besides Vincent van Gogh, Zundert has produced several other notable artists. The city has a thriving artistic community and hosts various art exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Peaceful atmosphere: Zundert is known for its tranquil and peaceful atmosphere. It is a perfect destination for those seeking a getaway from the bustling city life.
  • Gingerbread houses: The tradition of making gingerbread houses is deeply rooted in Zundert. During the festive season, the locals create stunning gingerbread houses, adding to the town's charm.
  • Rich cultural heritage: Zundert has a rich cultural heritage, with historic buildings and museums showcasing its past. The city's architecture and cultural sites are a treat for history enthusiasts.
  • Warm and friendly locals: The people of Zundert are known for their warm and friendly nature. They welcome visitors with open arms, making anyone feel at home in this charming city.
  • Authentic Dutch cuisine: Zundert offers various traditional Dutch dishes that are a must-try for food enthusiasts. From hearty stews to delicious cheeses, the city's cuisine is a delight to the taste buds.

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What Is Zundert City Known & Famous For

Zundert, Netherlands City is known and famous for multiple reasons:

  • Vincent van Gogh: Zundert is famous for being the birthplace of the renowned Dutch painter, Vincent van Gogh. His childhood home, now converted into a museum, attracts art enthusiasts from around the world.
  • Flower Parade: The city is also known for its annual Flower Parade, which is a colorful and vibrant event loved by locals and visitors alike. The parade showcases elaborate floats adorned with beautiful flowers.
  • Flower Cultivation: Zundert has a rich history in flower cultivation, specifically in growing dahlias. This tradition has been passed down through generations and has become an integral part of the city's cultural heritage.
  • Artistic Community: Zundert has a thriving artistic community and hosts various art-related events throughout the year. It serves as a nurturing ground for emerging talents and encourages artistic expression.
  • Biking and Nature: The city offers picturesque landscapes and a well-developed network of cycling paths, making it a paradise for bike enthusiasts. Exploring the stunning countryside and natural beauty is a popular activity among residents and tourists.

Overall, Zundert, Netherlands City is known for its artistic heritage, flower-related traditions, and its connection to the renowned painter Vincent van Gogh.

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Things to Do in Zundert, Netherlands

Zundert is a charming city located in the Netherlands. With its rich history, beautiful landscapes, and cultural attractions, there are plenty of things to do and see during your visit. Here are some top recommendations:

1. Vincent van Gogh House

Explore the birthplace of one of the most famous Dutch painters, Vincent van Gogh. The Vincent van Gogh House offers an interactive tour where you can learn about his early life and see the rooms where he lived. It's a must-visit for art enthusiasts and history buffs.

2. Zundert Flower Parade

If you happen to visit Zundert in early September, don't miss the Zundert Flower Parade. This annual event showcases stunning floats adorned with vibrant flowers. The parade attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world and offers a unique cultural experience.

3. Zundertse Bierbrouwerij

Beer lovers can indulge in a visit to the Zundertse Bierbrouwerij. Take a guided tour to learn about the beer-making process and taste their locally brewed beers. It's a great way to experience the local flavors and support the craft beer scene in Zundert.

4. Zundertse Heidetuin

Escape the city bustle and immerse yourself in nature at the Zundertse Heidetuin. This beautiful heathland park offers walking and cycling trails surrounded by stunning landscapes. It's a perfect spot for a peaceful picnic or a leisurely stroll.

5. Zundertse Molen

Visit the Zundertse Molen, a traditional windmill that has become an iconic symbol of the city. Take a guided tour to learn about its history and marvel at the engineering behind this remarkable structure. Don't forget to capture some stunning photos from its surroundings.

6. Local Cuisine

Indulge in the local gastronomy by visiting some of Zundert's charming restaurants and cafes. Try regional dishes and taste the flavors of the Netherlands. From hearty Dutch pancakes to delicious cheese platters, there is something for every palate.

With its blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, Zundert offers a delightful experience for travelers. Explore these attractions and immerse yourself in the city's vibrant atmosphere.

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Travel Guide for Visiting Zundert, Netherlands City

Zundert is a charming city located in the Netherlands. Known for its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality, Zundert offers a delightful experience for travelers.

Getting There

The easiest way to reach Zundert is by flying into Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, the largest international airport in the Netherlands. From there, you can take a train or rent a car to reach Zundert. The journey takes approximately two hours from Amsterdam.


Zundert offers a variety of accommodation options to suit every traveler's needs. From cozy bed and breakfasts to luxurious hotels, you can find something that fits your budget and preferences. It is advisable to book your accommodation in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons.

Things to Do

1. Visit Vincent van Gogh House: Zundert is the birthplace of the famous Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh. Explore the Van Gogh House Museum to learn about his life and see some of his early works. The museum provides a fascinating insight into the artist's upbringing and influences.
2. Experience the Zundert Flower Parade: If you happen to visit in late August, don't miss the world-famous Zundert Flower Parade. This annual event showcases enormous floats adorned with vibrant flowers, all created by local communities. It's a breathtaking spectacle you won't want to miss.
3. Take a stroll through Zundert's Parks: Zundert is surrounded by beautiful parks and gardens. Spend a peaceful afternoon exploring the magnificent Klein-Zundertse Heide, a nature reserve known for its heathlands and picturesque hiking trails. The Van Gogh Park is also worth a visit, with its serene atmosphere and lovely ponds.
4. Taste Local Delicacies: Indulge in some delicious Dutch cuisine during your stay. Don't miss out on trying the famous Dutch cheese, especially the Gouda and Edam varieties. Additionally, try some traditional Dutch sweets like stroopwafels and poffertjes.

Local Culture and Etiquette

The people of Zundert are known for their warmth and friendliness. While visiting, it is always appreciated to greet the locals with a smile and a polite "hello" or "dag" (which means "day" in Dutch). It is also customary to wait for your host to initiate the first toast before starting a drink.


Zundert, with its picturesque surroundings, cultural attractions, and friendly locals, offers a memorable travel experience. Whether you are an art enthusiast, nature lover, or simply seeking a peaceful getaway, Zundert has something to cater to all interests. Plan your visit to this enchanting Dutch city and discover its hidden treasures.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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