What Is Percival Lowell Best Known For

What is Percival Lowell Best Known For?

An In-depth Look at the Contributions of Percival Lowell

Percival Lowell was an American businessman, astronomer, and mathematician who made significant contributions to the field of astronomy during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He dedicated his career to studying and exploring the mysteries of the solar system, particularly Mars. His work and theories have had a lasting impact on our understanding of the universe. In this blog post, we will delve into the life and achievements of Percival Lowell, highlighting his most notable contribution to the world of astronomy.

The Life and Early Endeavors of Percival Lowell

Percival Lowell was born on March 13, 1855, in Boston, Massachusetts, into a prominent New England family. He inherited a considerable fortune from his father, which allowed him to pursue his interests in leisurely endeavors such as astronomy. However, Lowell was not content with a life of leisure; he had a deep curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

After graduating from Harvard University, Lowell traveled extensively, exploring various cultures and ancient civilizations. During his travels, he developed a keen interest in astronomy, particularly in the red planet - Mars.

Lowell Observatory and the Study of Mars

In 1894, Percival Lowell established the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, with the goal of studying Mars and expanding our knowledge of the solar system. The observatory quickly became known for its advanced astronomical instruments and state-of-the-art research facilities.

Lowell's relentless dedication to his work led him to develop new theories about Mars and its potential for supporting life. He believed that Mars had a vast network of canals built by intelligent beings to transport water from its polar ice caps to the arid regions of the planet.

This theory gained widespread attention and sparked public imagination. It had a significant impact on popular culture, inspiring numerous science fiction stories and novels, including H.G. Wells' famous novel "War of the Worlds."

Lowell's Legacy and Contributions

Percival Lowell's contributions to astronomy extend beyond his belief in Martian canals. He played a crucial role in mapping and observing the solar system, making significant advancements in astronomical photography and surveying techniques.

His meticulous observations of Mars and other celestial bodies became invaluable to future astronomers and scientists. Lowell's detailed maps of Mars had a lasting influence on the research conducted by subsequent generations of astronomers.

Furthermore, Lowell's dedication to the study of Mars laid the foundation for future space exploration missions. The data collected by NASA's Mars rovers and orbiters have only served to enhance our understanding of the red planet, further affirming Lowell's significance in the field.


Percival Lowell's passion for astronomy and his tireless efforts to unravel the mysteries of Mars have left an indelible mark on the field of astronomy. Despite his controversial theories about Martian canals, Lowell's contributions to the scientific community remain significant.

His legacy lives on through the work of modern-day astronomers and space exploration missions. Percival Lowell's enthusiasm for exploring the universe serves as an inspiration for future generations of scientists.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Did Percival Lowell's theory of Martian canals turn out to be true?

No, Percival Lowell's theory of Martian canals was eventually debunked. Advances in technology, such as more powerful telescopes and spacecraft missions, have provided us with a more accurate understanding of the Martian surface. Although there is evidence of water on Mars, the presence of intelligent beings constructing canals remains a product of Lowell's imagination.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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