What Is Kimberly Bryant Known For

Kimberly Bryant: Empowering Girls in Technology

Kimberly Bryant, a trailblazer in the tech industry, is best known for founding Black Girls CODE, a non-profit organization committed to providing education and empowerment to young girls of color in the field of technology. Through her dedication and leadership, Bryant has become an influential figure in closing the gender and racial gap in the tech world.

Background and Early Beginnings

Kimberly Bryant, an electrical engineer by trade, has experienced firsthand the underrepresentation of women, especially women of color, in the technology industry. After realizing that her daughter, Kai, was one of the few black girls in her computer programming class, Bryant recognized the need for a platform that would encourage and support girls like Kai who were interested in programming and other STEM subjects.

The lack of diversity in the tech industry inspired Bryant to found Black Girls CODE in 2011. Her vision was to provide young girls with educational opportunities to develop their skills in computer programming, coding, and other technology-related fields. By doing so, she hoped to bridge the racial and gender gap and create a more inclusive and diverse tech industry.

The Impact of Black Girls CODE

Since its inception, Black Girls CODE has made a significant impact on the lives of thousands of young girls across the United States. The organization offers various programs and workshops that introduce girls to computer programming and technology, empowering them to become creators rather than just consumers of technology.

Through hands-on activities, mentorship programs, and hackathons, Black Girls CODE aims to foster a passion for technology among girls from underrepresented communities. By equipping them with the necessary skills and resources, the organization strives to create a new generation of tech leaders who are diverse and inclusive.

Bryant's efforts have also garnered recognition on a national level. She has received numerous accolades for her work, including being named one of the Top 10 Most Influential Women in Technology by Business Insider. Her tireless dedication and commitment to empowering young girls in technology have been applauded by industry leaders, educators, and parents alike.


  • What is the mission of Black Girls CODE?

    Black Girls CODE aims to empower young girls of color, particularly those from underrepresented communities, by providing them with opportunities to learn and excel in technology-related fields.

  • How can girls benefit from Black Girls CODE?

    Girls who participate in Black Girls CODE programs gain valuable knowledge and skills in computer programming, coding, and technology. They are also exposed to a supportive network of mentors and peers who share similar interests and aspirations.

  • How can I support Black Girls CODE?

    You can support Black Girls CODE by volunteering your time as a mentor or instructor, donating funds to the organization, or spreading awareness about their mission and programs.

Kimberly Bryant's vision and dedication have paved the way for a more inclusive and diverse tech industry. Through Black Girls CODE, she continues to inspire and empower young girls, equipping them with the skills and confidence to become leaders in technology. As her organization expands and reaches more communities, it's clear that Kimberly Bryant's influence is shaping the future of girls in technology.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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