Yes, dumpster diving is generally legal in California. In fact, the state of California has a law that specifically protects dumpster divers from being prosecuted for trespassing or theft when they are taking discarded items from the trash.
California law considers anything that has been left in the trash to be abandoned property, meaning it is no longer the legal possession of the person who threw it away. This means that as long as you are not trespassing on private property or breaking any other laws while dumpster diving, you are within your rights to forage through the trash and take whatever items you find.
However, it's important to note that there are some restrictions and considerations to keep in mind. For example, if a dumpster is located on private property, you should always seek permission from the property owner before diving. Additionally, you should always be respectful and mindful of the environment and the community while diving.
While dumpster diving is generally legal in California, it's important to be aware of any local ordinances and regulations that may impact your ability to dive in specific areas. Always be sure to do your research and understand the laws and guidelines in your specific location before engaging in dumpster diving.
Overall, while dumpster diving can be a great way to find free items and reduce waste, it's important to do so responsibly and within the bounds of the law.