Hey there!
If you're wondering about the cost of a cell phone ticket in California for 2022, I've got the information for you. As of this year, the base fine for a first offense of using a handheld cellphone while driving is $20 in California. However, with various fees and assessments added on, the total cost can end up being around $162 for a first offense. For subsequent offenses, the base fine increases to $50 and can end up around $285 after fees and assessments.
It's important to note that these fines and costs can vary based on the county and any additional penalties or fees that may be applicable in specific areas. Additionally, the cost could be higher if the violation led to an accident or if the driver has prior offenses on their record.
So, it's crucial to remember that using a handheld cellphone while driving can not only put you and others at risk, but it can also lead to significant financial consequences. It's always best to prioritize safety and put your phone down while behind the wheel.
Stay safe out there!