Is British Prosecution Hired By Private Citizen Or The State

Is the British Prosecution Hired by Private Citizens or the State?

The British prosecution system is an essential part of the country's legal framework, ensuring the proper administration of justice. But who exactly hires the British prosecutors? Are they employed by private citizens or the state? In this blog post, we will dive into the intricacies of the British prosecution system to shed light on this frequently asked question.

Understanding the British Prosecution System

Before delving into the hiring process, it is crucial to understand how the British prosecution system operates. In the United Kingdom, the prosecution of criminal offenses falls under the responsibility of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

The CPS is a government agency tasked with reviewing cases referred to them by law enforcement agencies, such as the police. They evaluate the evidence collected and make the decision to prosecute if they believe there is sufficient evidence to proceed with a criminal trial.

The Role of the State in Prosecution

The state, represented by the CPS, takes on the role of the prosecutor in criminal cases. This means that the state acts on behalf of society as a whole to ensure that justice is served. The CPS is funded by the government, which is ultimately responsible for maintaining an efficient and fair justice system.

Private Prosecutions in the United Kingdom

While the state primarily handles prosecution in the UK, there are instances where private individuals or organizations can initiate their own prosecutions. Private prosecutions are typically sought in cases where the state authorities have declined to prosecute, or when the complainant believes that a crime has been committed against them and wants to seek justice personally.

However, it is important to note that private prosecutions are subject to certain regulations and oversight. They must adhere to the same legal standards and procedures as state prosecutions, ensuring a fair and impartial trial for all parties involved. Private prosecutors usually hire barristers or solicitors specialized in criminal law to represent them in court.

FAQ: Can a Private Citizen Hire a British Prosecutor?

Q: Can an individual private citizen directly hire a British prosecutor to handle a criminal case?

A: No, private citizens cannot directly hire British prosecutors. The Crown Prosecution Service, as a government agency, handles the majority of criminal prosecutions in the United Kingdom. However, private individuals or organizations can initiate a private prosecution as mentioned earlier, following specific legal procedures and guidelines.


In summary, the British prosecution system is predominantly managed by the state through the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). The CPS acts on behalf of society to ensure the fair administration of justice in the country. However, private prosecutions can be initiated by individuals or organizations in certain circumstances, albeit with the need to closely follow the legal requirements.

If you have further queries about the British prosecution system or private prosecutions, feel free to leave your questions in the comments section below. We'll be happy to address any additional concerns!

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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