Can A British Citizen Move To France

Can a British Citizen Move to France?

Are you a British citizen considering a move to France? This blog post aims to provide all the details and information you need for a smooth relocation. From residency requirements to healthcare and economic opportunities, we'll cover everything you need to know before making the big move. So, grab a cup of tea and let's dive in!

Residency Requirements

Following Brexit, there have been changes to the residency requirements for British citizens wishing to move to France. Now, British citizens are subject to the same regulations as other non-European Union (EU) citizens. To reside in France for more than three months, you must obtain a long-stay visa (visa de long séjour) or a residence permit (titre de séjour).

To apply for a long-stay visa, you need to provide certain documents such as proof of accommodation, financial stability, and health insurance. It is important to start the process early and consult with the French embassy or consulate in your home country for specific requirements and procedures.


Once you become a resident of France, you will have access to the country's healthcare system. The French healthcare system is known for its high quality and accessibility. To benefit from this system, you will need to register with the French social security system and obtain a Carte Vitale (health insurance card).

It is important to note that as a British citizen, you may be eligible for healthcare coverage through the French system if you are employed, self-employed, or receiving a state pension. If you are not eligible, it is recommended to obtain private health insurance to ensure you have adequate coverage.

Economic Opportunities

France offers numerous economic opportunities for individuals looking to work or start a business. The country has a diverse and thriving economy, with various industries such as tourism, technology, finance, and more.

As a British citizen, you may need to obtain a work visa or permit to legally work in France. The requirements for obtaining a work visa vary depending on the nature of your employment and the duration of your stay. It is advisable to consult with the French authorities or seek legal advice to determine the appropriate visa for your situation.


Here are some frequently asked questions about moving to France as a British citizen:

Q: I am retired, can I still move to France?

A: Absolutely! France is a popular destination for retirees. If you are a British citizen receiving a state pension, you have the right to live in France and access the healthcare system.

Q: Will my qualifications be recognized in France?

A: The recognition of qualifications obtained in the UK will depend on the specific profession and its requirements in France. Some professions may require additional training or certification, while others may have mutual recognition agreements.

Q: Do I need to speak French to live in France?

A: While it is not mandatory to speak French, knowing the language will greatly enhance your experience and integration into French society. Additionally, many job opportunities may require knowledge of the French language.

We hope this blog post has provided you with valuable information about moving to France as a British citizen. Remember to research and plan your move thoroughly to ensure a successful transition. Au revoir!

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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