How Long Can An Australian Citizen Live In Canada

How long can an Australian citizen live in Canada?

As an Australian citizen, you may be wondering how long you can live in Canada. This article aims to provide you with a detailed overview of the options available to you and the maximum duration of your stay, as well as addressing frequently asked questions.

Visitor Visa

If you plan to visit Canada as a tourist or for a short-term stay, you can enter the country using a visitor visa. The duration of your visit will depend on the visa officer's decision and the details you provide in your application. In most cases, an Australian citizen can stay in Canada as a visitor for up to six months. It's important to note that this does not grant you the right to work or study in Canada.

Work Permit

If you intend to work in Canada, you will need a valid work permit. There are several work permit categories, each with specific requirements. The duration of your work permit will be determined by the employment contract or the duration of the job offer. Australian citizens often qualify under the International Experience Canada (IEC) program, which allows them to work in Canada for up to two years, depending on the category they are eligible for.

Study Permit

If you plan to pursue your education in Canada, you will need a study permit. The duration of your study permit will be determined by the length of your study program. In general, a study permit is valid for the duration of the program plus an additional 90 days. Make sure to check the specific requirements and validity period for your chosen educational institution and program.

Permanent Residency

For Australian citizens who wish to live in Canada permanently, there are various pathways to obtain permanent residency (PR). The most common route is through the Express Entry system, which uses a points-based system to evaluate candidates based on factors such as age, education, work experience, and language proficiency. If you qualify, you may be eligible for PR, allowing you to live and work in Canada indefinitely.


Can I extend my visitor visa in Canada?

If you wish to extend your stay in Canada as a visitor, you must apply for an extension at least 30 days before your authorized period of stay expires. Keep in mind that extensions are not guaranteed, and it is essential to provide valid reasons and documentation supporting your request.

Can I change my visitor status to a work or study permit?

If you decide to work or study in Canada after entering as a visitor, you will likely need to leave the country and apply for the appropriate permits from your home country or a country where you have legal status. It is generally not possible to change your status from visitor to worker or student while remaining in Canada.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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