How Could International Student Become Australian Citizen

How Can an International Student Become an Australian Citizen?

Obtaining Australian citizenship is a significant milestone for many international students who have chosen to study in Australia. It comes with a range of benefits, including the ability to live and work indefinitely in the country. In this blog post, we will explore the various pathways and requirements for international students who wish to become Australian citizens.

Pathways to Australian Citizenship

There are several pathways through which international students can become Australian citizens:

1. Permanent Residency (PR) to Citizenship

The most common pathway for international students is to obtain permanent residency (PR) first and then apply for citizenship. To become a permanent resident, you will usually need to hold a valid student visa and have completed a specified period of study in Australia. Once you have obtained PR, you must usually wait for at least one year before applying for citizenship.

2. Skilled Migration

If you have completed your studies in Australia and possess in-demand skills or qualifications, you may be eligible to apply for skilled migration. Through this pathway, you can directly apply for PR and subsequently apply for Australian citizenship after meeting the residency requirement.

3. Partner or Family Visas

If you have an Australian partner or close family members who are Australian citizens or permanent residents, you may be eligible to apply for a partner or family visa. Once you have obtained PR through this pathway, you can pursue citizenship, adhering to the residency and other requirement guidelines.

Citizenship Requirements

To become an Australian citizen, you must meet certain requirements. These include:

1. Residency Requirement

You must have been living in Australia as a permanent resident for at least four years before applying for citizenship. Additionally, you must have been present in Australia for at least 12 months as a permanent resident, with no more than 90 days spent outside the country during that period.

2. Good Character Requirement

You must demonstrate good character by obeying Australian laws and not having a substantial criminal record. A police check is usually conducted as part of the citizenship application process.

3. Knowledge of Australia and English Language Test

You must possess adequate knowledge of Australia, its values, traditions, and rights and responsibilities of being a citizen. Additionally, you are required to pass an English language test conducted by the Department of Home Affairs.


Q: Can international students apply for citizenship directly without obtaining permanent residency?

No, international students typically need to obtain permanent residency first before being eligible to apply for Australian citizenship. Permanent residency is a prerequisite for most citizenship applications.

In conclusion, international students have various pathways to become Australian citizens, including obtaining permanent residency, skilled migration, or through partner/family visas. It is essential to meet the residency requirement and demonstrate good character. Acquiring knowledge about Australia and passing the English language test are also necessary steps in the citizenship application process. Remember, becoming an Australian citizen offers numerous benefits and opportunities to international students who have made Australia their chosen study destination.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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