Does Baby Born In Australia Become Citizen

Does A Baby Born in Australia Automatically Become a Citizen?

In Australia, the law regarding citizenship for those born in the country is fairly straightforward. Any child born in Australia to at least one parent who is an Australian citizen or a permanent resident is automatically granted Australian citizenship. This law applies regardless of the parents' citizenship or immigration status at the time of the child's birth. Thus, a baby born on Australian soil is generally considered an Australian citizen by birth.

How does this citizenship by birth work?

When a baby is born in Australia, the hospital where the birth takes place registers the newborn with Births, Deaths, and Marriages (BDM) in the relevant state or territory. This registration initiates the process of granting Australian citizenship if the eligibility criteria are met.

What if both parents are non-Australian?

If both parents are non-Australian at the time of birth, the baby will not become an Australian citizen by birth. However, the child may be eligible to apply for citizenship through other avenues, such as permanent residency or citizenship by descent, depending on the circumstances. It's essential to understand the various pathways to Australian citizenship and consult with the Department of Home Affairs for personalized advice in such cases.

Can a child born in Australia sponsor their parents for citizenship?

No, a child born in Australia cannot directly sponsor their parents for citizenship. Australian immigration law typically requires individuals to meet specific eligibility criteria and go through the appropriate visa application process to become Australian citizens or permanent residents. However, being born in Australia could potentially provide some advantages and additional options in the future, as the child might develop a stronger connection to the country.

Does the citizenship status of the parents affect the child's citizenship?

No, the citizenship or immigration status of the parents does not impact the automatic citizenship rights of a child born in Australia. As long as at least one parent is an Australian citizen or a permanent resident, the child will inherit Australian citizenship by birth.

What are the benefits of Australian citizenship?

Australian citizenship offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Right to live and work in Australia indefinitely.
  • Access to government services and benefits.
  • Ability to vote and participate in democratic processes.
  • Opportunity to apply for an Australian passport.
  • Access to consular support when overseas.


Children born in Australia to at least one Australian citizen or permanent resident parent are generally granted Australian citizenship automatically. However, it is crucial to be aware of any specific circumstances and consult with the Department of Home Affairs to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.


Q: Can a child born in Australia become an Australian citizen if both parents are non-Australian?

A: No, a child born in Australia to non-Australian parents does not automatically become an Australian citizen. However, the child may be eligible for other forms of Australian citizenship depending on their parents' circumstances. It is advisable to seek personalized advice from the Department of Home Affairs to explore suitable pathways to citizenship.

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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