Can An Australian Citizen Buy A House In Italy

Can an Australian Citizen Buy a House in Italy?

Italy, renowned for its rich history, culture, and beautiful landscapes, has become a desirable destination for many, including Australian citizens looking to purchase property abroad. Dreaming of owning a house in Italy? Interested in the process and legalities involved? Look no further! In this blog post, we will provide you with a detailed guide on how an Australian citizen can buy a house in Italy.

Understanding the Legal Framework

Before diving into the buying process, it's essential to understand the legal framework that governs property ownership in Italy. While Italy generally allows foreigners to own property, certain restrictions and regulations may apply. These regulations aim to protect the country's cultural heritage and prevent speculative real estate investments.

Key Steps to Buying a House in Italy

To successfully purchase a house in Italy as an Australian citizen, follow these key steps:

1. Find a Property

Start your journey by searching for properties in Italy. Engage with local real estate agents, browse online listings, or consider hiring a buyer's agent who specializes in assisting foreigners.

2. Engage a Local Professional

It is crucial to engage a local professional, such as a notary public or lawyer, who can guide you through the legal processes involved in purchasing property in Italy. They will conduct due diligence, assist with contract negotiations, and ensure the legality of the transaction.

3. Obtain a Codice Fiscale

A Codice Fiscale is a unique identification number required to purchase property in Italy. You can obtain this number from the local tax office by providing your passport and a completed application form.

4. Sign a Preliminary Sales Agreement

Once you have found the perfect property, you will need to sign a preliminary sales agreement (Compromesso), which outlines the terms and conditions of the purchase. It is highly advisable to consult your lawyer or notary public before signing any legal document.

5. Complete the Sale

On the agreed-upon closing date, you will sign the final deed of sale (Atto di Vendita) before a notary public. The notary will ensure all necessary taxes and fees are paid, and the property is legally transferred into your name.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can Australian citizens freely buy any type of property in Italy?

A: Generally, yes. Australian citizens can buy any type of residential or commercial property in Italy, subject to specific restrictions on the purchase of certain properties near historic sites or monuments. However, it's always recommended to consult with legal professionals to ensure compliance with local laws.

Q: Are there any restrictions on property resale?

A: No, there are no specific restrictions on selling property purchased in Italy by Australian citizens. You have the freedom to sell the property at any time, potentially generating a return on your investment.

Q: Can I get a mortgage as a non-resident?

A: Yes, non-residents can access mortgages from Italian and international banks. However, keep in mind that the lending criteria may vary, and interest rates may differ for non-residents.


Acquiring a house in Italy as an Australian citizen is an achievable dream. By understanding the legal framework, following the necessary steps, and seeking professional advice along the way, you can make your Italian property ownership dreams come true. Embrace this opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty of Italy, enjoy its diverse culture, and create lasting memories in your very own Italian home!

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Hello,My name is Aparna Patel,I’m a Travel Blogger and Photographer who travel the world full-time with my hubby.I like to share my travel experience.

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