El Elohe Isra’el - What does it mean?


Stephen, the martyr, begins his last sermon, after which he was stoned :

The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Canaan. Acts 7:2 KJV.

God appeared to Abraham and God revealed himself to Abraham and God spoke many things to Abraham. This is why he went to Canaan and whilst in Canaan he begat a son Isaac, who in turn begat a son, Jacob.

To Jacob, also, God appeared as is evident from the record of Genesis ; recorded, retrospectively, by Moses.

'El Elohe Israel' reflects these recorded occurrences, that God - El in Hebrew - the one true God for there is one God and there cannot be another god, is He who appeared to Abraham and to Isaac and to Jacob.

God - El - is also called 'the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob'. For that is how he has revealed himself. He chose to reveal himself to these three men, in turn.

And then he appeared to Moses in a burning bush that was not consumed and he called himself 'I am that I am'.

This is whom God Almighty has revealed himself to be. This is what recorded scripture narrates.

These are the men to whom God chose to reveal himself.

Men of faith. Men of integrity. Men who can be trusted.

One either believes the written record, or one disbelieves it.

It is a matter of faith.

To say that these men merely adopted cultural ideas from their - original - dwelling place does not agree with the record of scripture. There is no evidence whatsoever in the holy writings - in either Hebrew scripture or in the Greek scripture - that they brought with them from Mesopotamia any idolatrous concepts or any other ideologies.

Their knowledge of God was a matter of personal revelation - a matter of personal faith based upon the revelation of God himself to their individual persons.

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